"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Friday, 9 September 2011

This Last Wine Left a Bad Aftertaste

It had been a glorious and wonderful evening at work. A boy, let's say Charles, was given a box of wine to take back to his place . He took that box to his home so fast, and along with him came his friends and girl (Lisa). There a group of them gathered around a Playstation 2 connected to a game called Guitar Hero 2. Enjoying the freedom from work, games and activities of leisure abounded them in a dizzying trance. When all of a sudden a "pound", "pound", "BAM" noise arose from the front of the house. The door had been slammed in and with it a five foot nothing little mexican lad came anxiously into the house. Yes, he had been playing in the snow, and his energy levels were through the roof. The snow had not quite melted from under his nose. Pouncing around he came for Lisa, a girl he considered his own. As the excitement climbed, Charles lept to his feet and went to play outside with the lad. Like two young pals playing, they threw each other back and forth on the porch, until Charles threw the visiting lad over the porch rail. The lad in excitement jumped up and announced he had a present for Charles in his car. Jumping at the chance to return the favor, he bolted up stairs and down he came, shotgun and all. Realizing it was too great of a gift, it was returned to the closet for another time. Then at the window a "tink", then another "tink". We swept away the curtains and there was the lad, with bow and arrow. Arrows of holiday joy traveled straight towards a head, only to hear another "tink" as the window put a stop to that. With arms of joy and happiness they rushed outside to give thanks for the visit, but alas he had returned to his car already. He left in a rush, without a good bye. Although he did give a nice kiss from his car's bumper to another car outside. Later some gentlemen in blue came to hear our great tale. They left us with a detailed account on paper, then dashed to find the good lad, before the night was over. The group relaxed and unwound, it had been a great night.

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